Building/Development Permit

Prior to constructing or adding any exterior structure, such as a fence or shed, it is mandatory to complete a Development Permit. To initiate this process, kindly fill out the application, and submit it to Town Hall. The application will be presented to the Planning Board for review during their scheduled sessions. This ensures that all proposed exterior structures align with the town's development guidelines and regulations. Your cooperation in completing this essential step is appreciated, as it allows us to maintain a harmonious and well-planned community in the Town of Whitehall. For any inquiries or assistance, please feel free to reach out to Town Hall during regular business hours.

The Planning Board has their monthly meeting on the second Monday of every month at 7pm (unless it's a holiday). In order for your application to make the monthly agenda, the entire completed packet must be turned into our office no later than 12pm the Wednesday before the meeting. We also strongly recommend that you are present at the meeting to answer any possible questions the Board may have.


If you are in need of a variance you are welcome to add this to your application. Simple fill out the form letting the board know why you would need special circumstances. They will review and vote at their monthly Planning Board meeting.

Failure to comply with the town's ordinances and processes could result in fines and the removal of the un-permitted project.


Whitehall TIFF Application

How to Apply

The Whitehall Tax Incremental Finance Fund (TIFF) now has an online application process. To submit a new application please use the button below.

Once an application has been submitted it will need to be reviewed and approved during the monthly TIFF meeting. TIFF meets the second Wednesday of every month. Applications MUST be submitted to the Town Hall by the Thursday leading up to the meeting to add the application to the board's agenda. Any late submissions will be reviewed the following month.

Online TIFF Applicaiton


If needed a downloadable applicaiton is available below. Printed applications must be turned into the Town Hall office by either dropping off or mailing to PO Box 529, Whitehall MT 59759.